Welcome to the Somerset Bonsai Society

Next Meeting



12 February 2025

7:30 - 10:00 pm


We are a very friendly group of people with one major interest in common, an enthusiastic love of Bonsai. Whether you are a beginner setting out along the pathway that is Bonsai or already have some years of cultivating your trees behind you do get in touch, or just simply come along to a meeting and see what goes on.

Further details of membership are in the Join Us section.





Bonsai South West Show, 2025

Club Programme



Tree of Month

February - 12th Club Auction - Administered by John Trott   No ToM
March - 12th Repotting Workshop Shohin
March - 15th Workshop at: Staplegrove Village Hall, Staplegrove Road, Taunton, TA1 6AL
10.00 to 16.00hrs, with a £5 charge
April - 9th Chris Thomas - Bogwood Planting Conifers
3rd - 4th May - Bonsai South West - RHS Rosemoor
May - 10th Workshop at: Staplegrove Village Hall, Staplegrove Road, Taunton, TA1 6AL
10.00 to 16.00hrs, with a £5 charge
May - 14th Show Preparation Spring Colour
24th - 26th May - Club Show at Willowbrook Garden Centre.
June - 11th John Trott - Bonsai Display at Shows Conifers
July - 9th Summer Workshop and Bring & Buy Sale Summer foliage
August - 13th Adrian's Bonsai Journey President's Challenge
August - 16th Workshop at: Staplegrove Village Hall, Staplegrove Road, Taunton, TA1 6AL
10.00 to 16.00hrs, with a £5 charge
September - 10th Critique of Auction trees - in particular trees purchased at our Society auctions Auction Trees
October - 8th Dave Cheshire - Acers Autumn colour
November - 13th Pot Night Tree and pot combination
December - 11th A G M - with a bring and share supper No ToM





Why not come along and join our friendly club. You will be sure of a warm welcome and a cup of tea. So that you may try the club without a yearly commitment you can join in as a visitor FREE on the first occasion and paying just £4.00 per evening which includes tea or coffee and a biscuit on any later visits.

Currently the annual membership fee is £20.00 and attendance is £4.00 per evening.

Junior members (under 18 years old on the second Wednesday in January) will not be required to pay the annual subscription for that year and Junior members would be asked to pay a reduced attendance fee of £2 per meeting.

Raffle tickets are sold each month for a yearly draw for a tree.

So what are you waiting for?   Either send an email via the 'Contact Us' section below, or just simply come along. We enjoy meeting fellow enthusiasts, beginners, anyone who thinks they may like bonsai; or just join for the fun of it – and get involved!

We look forward to seeing you soon.

Meeting Reports

Please click either Report or Critique in the appropriate month to view document.



Tree of the Month Critiques

January - 8th Amelia Williams - Talk and workshop on Penjing Winter Image
February - 12th Club Auction - Administered by John Trott No ToM
March - 12th Repotting Workshop Shohin
April - 9th Chris Thomas - Bogwood Planting Conifers
May - 14th Show Preparation Spring Colour
June - 11th John Trott - Bonsai Display at Shows Conifers
July - 9th Summer Workshop and Bring & Buy Sale Summer foliage
August - 13th Adrian's Bonsai Journey President's Challenge
September - 10th Critique of Auction trees - in particular trees purchased at our Society auctions Auction Trees
October - 8th Dave Cheshire - Acers Autumn colour
November - 13th Pot Night Tree and pot combination
December - 11th A G M - with a bring and share supper No ToM

Bonsai Groups

Useful Links

The green text below will link to further information.

Contact Us

Somerset Bonsai Society

We meet at Bishop Henderson C of E Primary School, Henderson Close, Taunton TA1 4TU




07778 408920 - Please ask for Alistair